Qurbani is an Islamic tradition of sacrifice that is performed during the Islamic month of Dhul Hijjah, which is the twelfth and final month of the Islamic calendar. It is an important part of the Hajj pilgrimage, which is one of the five pillars of Islam.
During the time of Qurbani, Muslims around the world sacrifice a goat, sheep, cow, or camel as an act of worship and to show their devotion to Allah. This sacrifice is performed to commemorate the sacrifice that Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) was willing to make when Allah commanded him to sacrifice his son Ismail (Ishmael) as a test of his faith.
The sacrifice is done on the day of Eid al-Adha, which is the festival of sacrifice that marks the end of the Hajj pilgrimage. Muslims who are not performing the Hajj pilgrimage are also encouraged to perform Qurbani on this day.
The animal that is to be sacrificed must meet certain criteria, such as being of a certain age and in good health. The sacrifice must be performed in a humane manner, and the meat from the sacrifice is distributed among family, friends, and the poor and needy in the community.
Qurbani is an act of worship that is meant to bring Muslims closer to Allah and to remind them of the importance of sacrifice and generosity. It is also a time for families and communities to come together and share in the blessings of the occasion.
The act of Qurbani is not just about the sacrifice of an animal, but also about the sacrifice of oneself for the sake of Allah. Muslims are encouraged to reflect on the meaning of sacrifice and to think about ways that they can give back to their community and to those in need.
Overall, Qurbani is an important tradition in Islam that serves as a reminder of the importance of sacrifice, generosity, and devotion to Allah.

Rules Of Qurabni
Qurbani, also known as Udhiyah, is the ritual sacrifice of an animal during the Islamic festival of Eid al-Adha. This sacrifice commemorates the sacrifice that Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) was willing to make of his son Ismail (Ishmael) to show his devotion and obedience to Allah (God).
There are certain rules that Muslims follow when performing Qurbani:
- Only certain animals can be used for Qurbani: sheep, goats, cows, and camels. The animal must be in good health and free from any defects or diseases.
- Qurbani can only be performed during the three days of Eid al-Adha, which is the 10th, 11th, and 12th day of the Islamic month of Dhul-Hijjah.
- The animal must be slaughtered according to Islamic law, known as the Halal method. This involves making a swift cut to the animal’s throat with a sharp knife while reciting the name of Allah.
- The person performing Qurbani must be of sound mind and have reached the age of puberty.
- The meat of the sacrificed animal must be divided into three parts: one part for the person performing the Qurbani, one part for friends and family, and one part for the poor and needy.
- Muslims are encouraged to perform Qurbani in the name of Allah and to follow the example of Prophet Ibrahim by sacrificing something that is dear to them.
- It is recommended to perform Qurbani on behalf of deceased family members or loved ones, as well as for those who are unable to perform it themselves.
- Muslims are also encouraged to distribute the meat of the sacrificed animal to their neighbors, regardless of their religion or background.
Qurbani is an important ritual in Islam that symbolizes sacrifice, devotion, and charity. It is a time for Muslims to come together and celebrate the spirit of Eid al-Adha by sharing their blessings with others. By following the rules of Qurbani, Muslims can ensure that their sacrifice is accepted by Allah and that they receive the blessings and rewards of this sacred act.

Importance of Qurbani in islam
Qurbani, also known as Udhiyah, is a significant ritual in Islam that is performed by Muslims worldwide during the annual Islamic festival of Eid al-Adha. This festival commemorates the willingness of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son as an act of obedience to Allah (God). However, Allah replaced his son with a sheep just as he was about to carry out the sacrifice. Qurbani is therefore performed to honor this act of devotion and submission to Allah and to reinforce the importance of sacrifice, obedience, and devotion in the Islamic faith.
Qurbani holds great significance in Islam, both as a religious obligation and as a symbol of faith, devotion, and sacrifice. The act of Qurbani involves sacrificing an animal, typically a sheep, goat, cow, or camel, during the Islamic month of Dhul Hijjah, which is the final month of the Islamic calendar. The sacrifice must be performed by a Muslim who is of sound mind, and who has reached the age of puberty, and is financially capable of doing so.
Qurbani is considered an act of worship and obedience to Allah, and it is believed that those who perform it with sincerity and devotion will receive blessings and forgiveness from Allah. It is also an act of charity and a means of sharing with others, particularly the poor and needy. The meat from the sacrificed animal is typically divided into three parts – one-third is given to the poor and needy, one-third to family and friends, and one-third is kept for oneself.
Qurbani is an expression of gratitude to Allah for His blessings, and a reminder of the importance of sacrifice, obedience, and devotion in the Islamic faith. It is also a means of strengthening community bonds and fostering social solidarity, as people come together to perform the act of Qurbani and share the meat with one another and those in need.
Furthermore, the act of Qurbani is also seen as a means of seeking forgiveness and atonement for one’s sins, as well as a way to purify oneself and renew one’s faith and commitment to Allah. The act of sacrifice is believed to symbolize the sacrifice of one’s own desires and ego for the sake of Allah and to show submission to His will.
In conclusion, Qurbani is a significant ritual in Islam that symbolizes faith, devotion, sacrifice, and obedience to Allah. It is an act of worship and charity that fosters community bonds, strengthens social solidarity, and reminds Muslims of the importance of gratitude, submission, and obedience in the Islamic faith.
Who must perform Qurbani?
According to most Muslims, giving Qurbani is highly recommended and according to the Hanafi madhab, it is obligatory for every sane adult Muslim who has wealth in excess to their needs (i.e. who meet the nisab threshold). Normally those who are eligible to pay Zakat are obliged to give Qurbani.
The Hanafi school of thought states that it is obligatory for:
- Every sane Muslim of mature age (who has reached puberty)
- Non-travelling persons
- Those who additionally own wealth which is beyond their needs, equal to (or more than) the current level of nisab (87.48 grams of gold or 612.36 grams of silver)
At what age is Qurbani Fardh?
The opinion on whether Qurbani is compulsory or not differs between the different schools of thought. However, for the benefit of those less fortunate, the sacred act of Qurbani is highly rewarding and recommended for anyone who is of a mature age (has reached the age of puberty), and possesses wealth above the nisab threshold.
When must Qurbani be performed?
There is a difference of opinion amongst the scholars as to whether Qurbani can be done over three or four days. To respect this difference of opinion, mainly muslim perform Qurbani in three days.
Which animals can be sacrificed?
The animals which are eligible should meet minimum requirements, such as the age of the animal for Qurbani and their condition, including:
Sheep/Goats: should be at least one year in age (this is equivalent to one person’s Qurbani)
Cows/Buffalo: should be at least two years in age (this is equivalent to seven people’s Qurbani)
Camels: should be of at least five years in age (enough for seven people’s Qurbani)
In addition, all animals must be healthy and free of disease, including the following conditions:
- They cannot be excessively thin or lean
- They must be able to walk themselves to the site of the slaughter
- They cannot be toothless, or missing over half their teeth
- They must not be blind or one-eyed
- They must not have a lame leg that is sufficiently weak that they are unable to walk on it
Who can receive Qurbani meat?
When distributing your Qurbani meat to the poor and needy:
- Families who live on less than the minimum income for that particular country Female-headed households
- Families with disabled and/or elderly persons
- Children under five years old
- Pregnant women
- Breastfeeding mothers
- Families with little or no access to the market
Should I avoid cutting my nails and hair if I’m giving Qurbani?
There are differences of opinions on whether it is unlawful for you to cut your nails and hair or whether it’s disliked. Refraining from cutting your nails and hair if you’re donating Qurbani is obligatory according to the Hanbali madhab and recommended according to the majority of scholars.
Qurbani rules for husband and wife
According to the Hanafi school of thought, both the husband and wife must donate a minimum of one Qurbani each if they’re sane Muslims who possess wealth more than their needs. What is beyond their needs equal to (or more than) the current level of nisab (87.48 grams of gold or 612.36 grams of silver).