99 Names Of Allah

99 Names Of Allah


The Names of Allah are considered very significant in Islam for several reasons:

  • Reflecting on the meanings of the Names of Allah helps believers gain a deeper understanding of Allah’s attributes and nature.
  • Reciting or invoking the Names of Allah is a means of drawing closer to Him and seeking His mercy and blessings.
  • The Names of Allah serve as a reminder of His omnipotence, mercy, and compassion, and can help instill a sense of awe and reverence in the hearts of believers.
  • Each Name of Allah has a unique significance and can be invoked for a specific purpose, such as seeking forgiveness (Al-Ghaffar), guidance (Al-Hadi), or sustenance (Ar-Razzaq).
  • Learning and reciting the Names of Allah is considered an act of worship in itself, and is a recommended practice for Muslims.
  • The Names of Allah are also found in the Quran and Hadith, and studying them can help deepen one’s understanding of Islamic theology and teachings.

Overall, the Names of Allah are an important aspect of Islamic spirituality and are revered by Muslims as a means of connecting with the Divine and seeking His guidance and mercy.

99 Names of Allah in Urdu, English and Arabic:

99 Names of Allah



Ar-RahmanThe BeneficentThe first name Ar-Rahman comes from the word Rehmat, which means that Allah compassion for the entire creation without differentiating believers and non-believers.


Ar-RaheemThe MercifulThe ONE who has kindness for everyone in this universe.


Al-MalikThe Eternal LordThe Sovereign Lord, the one who dominates and owns everything on earth and heavens.


Al-QuddusThe Most SacredThe One who is free from any flaw, and the One who is most pure from any imperfection.


As-SalamThe Embodiment of PeaceThe One who is the only Peace giver to the seven heavens and above.


Al-Mu’minThe Infuser of FaithAl-Mu’min means that the One who gives full security. He sent Prophets who witnessed for Himself that no one is God but Him. Also, the One who puts faith in hearts and protects them who seek his shelter.


Al-MuhayminThe Preserver of SafetyThe One who witnesses every single act and saying of His creatures. He is the one who always watches and looks after us.


Al-AzizThe Mighty OneThe Mighty and Strong, who can’t be defeated by anyone in this and hereafter world.


Al-JabbarThe Omnipotent OneThe One who doesn’t allow anything to happen without His will. He is All-Might and has the authority to do anything.


Al-MutakabbirThe Dominant OneThe One clear from resembling any of the creatures. He has power, dominancy, and pride.


Al-KhaaliqThe CreatorThe One who creates every single creature from nothing and He has the power to vanish anyone anytime.


Al-BaariThe EvolverThe Maker and Creator, who has planned before the creation of seven heavens and earth. Everything happened here as per His will.


Al-MusawwirThe Flawless ShaperThe One who forms His creatures in different looks and appearance including all living and non-living creatures.


Al-GhaffaarThe Great ForgiverThe Forgiver, He likes nothing more than forgiveness. And that’s why He forgives the sins of His people with or without any condition.


Al-QahhaarThe All-Prevailing OneThe Dominant, The One who has the absolute power over everything in this universe.


Al-WahhabThe Supreme BestowerThe One who is distributes generously without asking for any return. He blessed all creature with numerous gifts.


Ar-RazzaqThe Total ProviderThe Sustainer, who creates all sources of food and everything that is essential for livelihood.


Al-FattahThe Supreme SolverThe Opener, The Judge; who opens his mercy and greatness for slaves. He has a solution to every problem.


Al-AlimThe All-Knowing OneThe Knowledgeable; who has supreme knowledge about every happening in this world. Nothing is hidden from Him.


Al-QaabidThe Restricting OneThe Constrictor, who has all authority to make life easier or difficult of anyone whomever He selects.


Al-BaasitThe ExtenderThe Enlarger, who can make one’s life easier and increase the sustenance without any doubt.


Al-KhaafidThe ReducerThe Abaser, The One who lowers the status of anyone He wished by His legacy.


Ar-RafiThe Elevating OneThe Exalter and the Elevator; The One who raises the status of anyone whoever He willed by His Destruction.


Al-Mu’izzThe Honourer-BestowerHe gives esteem to whoever He wished; though there is no one to degrade Him. But He degrades whoever anyone.


Al-MuzilThe AbaserThe Dishonourer, The Humiliator; the one who can’t be degraded by anyone. But He degrades anyone whom He wished for.


As-Sami’The All-HearerThe Hearer, The One who hears everything by His Eternal Hearing. He is not unaware of anything that is being spoken in this world.


Al-BaseerThe All-SeeingThe All-Noticing, The One who has the power to see by His Eternal Seeing.


Al-HakamThe Impartial JudgeThe Judge, He is the only ruler of the entire world and He is the best of all rulers. There is no question on His judgment is this Word.


Al-AdlThe Embodiment of JusticeThe Just, He is the only one who is the best symbol of justice for poor and rich. Nobody can refrain from his Justice.


Al-LateefThe Knower of SubtletiesThe Subtle One; He is the One who is kind to His every little and poor creature. He knows the situation of slaves and endows upon them.


Al-KhabeerThe All-Aware OneThe One who is aware of everyone and the truth of this world.


Al-HaleemThe Clement OneThe Forbearing; He is the only One who has the power to delay the punishment. And if He will, they can be forgiven.


Al-AzeemThe Magnificent OneThe Great One, The Mighty; He is the One who only deserves the attributes of pride and glory. He is pure from all imperfection.


Al-GhafoorThe Great ForgiverThe All-Forgiving, the Forgiving. There is no one who can forgive like Him. He forgives whomever He wills.


Ash-ShakoorThe Acknowledging OneThe Grateful, the Appreciative. Only He is the One who blesses his believers a lot of reward for showing a little obedience.


Al-AliyyThe Sublime OneThe Highest, only He is the One who is abstained from the creature’s characteristics.


Al-KabeerThe Great OneThe Most Great; He is the One who is supreme and has the greater status of all.


Al-HafizThe Guarding OneThe Preserver, the Protector. Only He is the One who can protect whatever and whoever He willed for.


Al-MuqeetThe Sustaining OneThe Maintainer, The Guardian, The Feeder, The One who has the power to do anything to anyone.


Al-HaseebThe Reckoning OneThe Reckoner, only Allah is the only One who can give satisfaction to whomever He is willing to provide.


Al-JaleelThe Majestic OneThe Sublime One, The Beneficent, The One who has attributed Power and Glory of status and this won’t be compared with anyone.


Al-KareemThe Bountiful OneThe Generous One, The Gracious, in the entire world He is the One who is accredited with the power of supremacy and magnificent status.


Ar-RaqeebThe Watchful OneThe Watcher, Allah is the one who is watching everyone and He is not absent from anyone’s deed.


Al-MujeebThe Responding OneThe Responsive, He is the One who listens and answers in any form. The time and method are not what we are looking for but whatever seems good according to Him.


Al-Waasi’The All-Pervading OneThe Vast, the All-Embracing, The Knowledgeable. He is the only one who has knowledge that nobody can ever think of. The creature only uses 5% of the mind he has been given.


Al-HakeemThe Wise OneThe Wise, The Judge of Judges, The One who remains correct in all of His decisions, and judgments.


Al-WadudThe Loving OneAllah is the One who loves His people who have a firm belief in Him and also love those who love believers.


Al-MajeedThe Glorious OneThe Most Glorious One; only Allah has the trait of being glory in this world. No ruler or king is equivalent to Him. He is the only unmatched power, generosity, and Kindness for the living beings.


Al-Ba’ithThe Infuser of New LifeThe Resurrector, The Raiser (from death), He started life from nothing and He has the power to create or destroy any life without asking permission.


Ash-ShaheedThe All Observing WitnessThe Witness, the One who is aware of everything and there isn’t any single deed or act happened in this world without His permission.


Al-HaqqThe Embodiment of TruthThe Truth, The True, He is the One whose existence is truly from eternity and He will remain when everything is finished.


Al-WakeelThe Universal TrusteeThe Trustee, the One who gives the ultimate satisfaction to His believers and rely upon, and there isn’t anyone who can seek satisfaction without His permission.


Al-QawwiyyThe Strong OneThe Most Strong, The Strong, The One with the complete superpower, which has no comparison with anyone ever in this entire universe.


Al-MateenThe Firm OneThe only One having super extreme Power which is un-interrupted and He never got tired of handling all matters.


Al-WaliyyThe Protecting AssociateThe Protecting Friend, the Supporter. He is the One who supports and protects the poor ones from the frown of cruel ones.


Al-HameedThe Sole-Laudable OneThe Praiseworthy, He who deserves to be praised by all means and there isn’t anyone who can stand in front of Him.


Al-MuhseeThe All-Enumerating OneThe Counter, The Reckoner, The One who keeps a record of everything happening in this world.


Al-MubdiThe OriginatorHe is the One who has started the human being and other organisms without seeking help from another creature. He has designed and sent humans as His messenger.


Al-MueedThe RestorerThe Reproducer, The One who has the ability to bring back every dead creature to life on the Day of Judgment.


Al-MuhyiThe Maintainer of lifeThe Restorer, The Giver of Life; He is the One who took out a living human from a single drop and gives life. He makes the hearts alive by the light of knowledge.


Al-MumeetThe Inflictor of DeathThe Creator of Death, The Destroyer; He who has render created life and death for every living creature.


Al-HayyThe Eternally Living OneThe Alive, The One attributed with a life that is unlike our life and is not that of a combination of soul, flesh, or blood.


Al-QayyoomThe Self-Subsisting OneThe One who remains and does not end.


Al-WaajidThe Pointing OneThe Perceiver, The Finder, the Rich who is never poor. Al-Wajd is Richness.


Al-MaajidThe All-Noble OneThe Glorious, He who is Most Glorious and this will last forever.


Al-WaahidThe Only OneThe Unique; the One who has no partner and He doesn’t need any.


Al-AhadThe Sole OneThe One; it is to believe that He is the One and there is no one who belongs to Him. He has no family and no child.


As-SamadThe Supreme ProviderThe Eternal and Independent; the One who is relied upon in matters and reverted to in anyone’s needs.


Al-QaadirThe Omnipotent OneThe Able, The Capable, The One attributed with Power.


Al-MuqtadirThe All Authoritative OneThe Powerful and Dominant; He is the One having eternal power of making and implementing His decisions.


Al-MuqaddimThe Expediting OneThe Expediter, The Promoter; the One who placed all things in the right place. He makes fast what He wills.


Al-Mu’akhkhirThe ProcrastinatorThe Delayer, the Retarder; He is the One who puts things in the best of theirs. He delays anything to happen if He wills.


Al-AwwalThe Very FirstThe First, He is the One who exists in this world from eternity and there is no boundary for the beginning.


Al-AkhirThe Infinite Last OneThe Last, The One who will remain even after everything has gone to an end. His existence is without any end.


Az-ZaahirThe PerceptibleThe Manifest, One who is above everything and His is not answerable to anyone. His existence doesn’t need any place. He is the one whose existence is clear from the system going on.


Al-BaatinThe ImperceptibleThe Hidden, there isn’t anything which is hidden from Him. He knows everything happened whether it’s openly done or needs some hidden place to perform the act.


Al-WaaliThe Holder of Supreme AuthorityThe Governor, He is the One who has authority over all creatures and He knows well how to manage them.


Al-Muta’aliThe Extremely Exalted OneThe Most Exalted, The High Exalted, The One who is supreme of all creatures. And this has been cleared from the attributes of His every single creation.


Al-BarrThe Fountain-Head of TruthThe Source of All Goodness, The Righteous; He is the One who is kind enough to His creatures. He provides food, shelter, and special mercy.


At-TawwaabThe Ever-Acceptor of RepentanceThe Relenting, The One who grants repentance to those who ask for His mercy. He is the only one who is ready to accept anyone’s regret over their misdeed.


Al-MuntaqimThe RetaliatorThe Avenger, The One who proudly conquers over His enemies again and again. He has the authority to punish them for their sins.


Al-AfuwwThe Supreme PardonerThe Forgiver, He is the only One who forgives when someone asks for His forgiveness.


Ar-Ra’oofThe Benign OneThe Compassionate, He is the One with extreme mercy for His creature. He has power and will which let this happen to anyone without differentiating whether someone is a believer or not.

مَالِكُ الْمُلْكِ

Maalik-ul-MulkThe Eternal Possessor of SovereigntyHe is the One who controls this entire world without asking anyone. The sole authority belongs to Him only.

ذُوالْجَلاَلِ وَالإكْرَامِ

Zul-Jalaali-wal-IkramThe Possessor of Majesty and HonourHe is the Lord of Majesty and Bounty in this world and no one can stand against Him. He is the only One who deserves to be accepted and never denied.


Al-MuqsitThe Just OneThe Equitable, The One who is above all in doing justice to the rich and poor. He is the best in His judgment.


Al-Jaami’The Assembler of Scattered CreationsThe Gatherer, He has the power of gathering all the creatures on the day of judgment. All dead people will be called and they will stand in front of Him for their deeds reward or compensation


Al-GhaniyyThe Self-Sufficient OneThe One who does not need any of His creation to believe or worship Him but this creature needs Him in every moment.


Al-MughniThe Bestower of SufficiencyThe Enricher, He is the sole who tends to satisfy all of the necessities of living beings.


Al-Maani’The PreventerThe Withholder. He is the One who has the authority to stop anyone from doing any deed. He doesn’t need to explain why He wouldn’t let anyone doing what they want.


Ad-DaarrThe DistressorThe One who makes harm reach to anyone. If He is the One who can benefit anyone, so why not He distress whoever He willed.


An-Naafi’The Bestower of BenefitsThe Propitious, the One who benefits anyone he chooses. Every gain and good comes from Him.


An-NoorThe Prime LightThe Light, The One who guides and created light to enlighten His believers. Also, the one who illuminates the heats of His believers with faith and knowledge.


Al-HaadiThe Provider of GuidanceThe Guide, the One who guides His believers and His guidance ensures the best life in this world and hereafter.


Al-Badi’The Unique OneThe Incomparable means that He is unique in all His traits. He can’t be compared with any of the existing things in this world.


Al-BaaqiThe Ever Surviving OneThe Everlasting, The One who is the one from eternity and there is no ending for Him.


Al-WaarisThe Eternal InheritorThe Heir, The One who is the owner of everything belongs to this world. Every single creature has an end but He doesn’t.


Ar-RasheedThe Guide to Path of RectitudeThe One who guides people to the right path to living and help others.


As-SaboorThe Extensively Enduring OneThe Patient, He is the one who does not quickly punish the sinners. Always looking for the sinners to ask for regret and forgiveness.
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